Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Pictures take two

The pictures on the last blog didn't work so here is that section again:

Itaipu Dam. These in front are water runways for when the water level is too high, and in the background you can see the dam itself and the white water-carrying pipes that lead to the turbines. (Photo Credit: Austin Regier)

The "Devil's Throat" at Iguazu Falls. In real life the water didn't look so yellow. (Photo Credit: Austin Regier.)

Good-lookin' group at a good-lookin' place. 

Pretty. (From AR)

From the top of the falls looking down. (AR)

A huge Christmas party in the Jardín Botánico for children and families that our church helps put it on. There was a presentation with singing and dancing, food, activities for the kids, and Christmas presents for everyone. As you can imagine, giving out gifts was a fiasco as the thousands of people all made a line,, and it was hot, and people were impatient. (photo: AR)

The typical setup on the streets of Aregua. All the little piggies and frogs and mushrooms are Aregua's specialty. (photo snagged off line)

My team in the group activities at the church youth camp. We won those annoying games that I told you about so we got t-shirts.

Brenda Perez and me at her house. Thumbs ups are a big thing here.

Family and friends at the place with the pool on New Year's Day. I'm sure all of you in Northern Indiana were doing similar things out in the sun that day as well.

What was the main plaza in this village. On the right and left is housing and straight ahead is the Basilica.

A Guaraní-carved statue.

The Basilica. This used to have walls and pillars as tall as the front part supporting a roof. Pretty impressive.

The famous (for Paraguayans) beach of Encarnación. Not bad for a land-locked country. This is now the hotspot for Carnaval on the weekends.

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